21 December 2011

Gmail Contextual Gadget released

Those of you using Vtiger and Google Apps have something to be excited about. Today our Boru VT Integrator gadget was released.

The gadget looks at the sender's email address and tries to match it to entries in your Vtiger database. If a match is found, relevant data about the match is displayed right underneath your email. Otherwise, you can create a new Contact, Account, whatever right there.

It's free, with a paid version in the works.

Check it out here: http://www.google.com/enterprise/marketplace/viewListing?productListingId=15336+13987954338541792809&category=&query=Boru

If you're wondering why it requires access to subject and body, we're working on extracted phone numbers to pre-fill the record creation form.

17 November 2011

More Gadget News

After too long sorting out a bug on Google's end, we're finally under way getting the last bit developed on our Gmail Contextual Gadget.

I'm serious, we really do have a bug report in Google's bug tracker, which seems an achievement in itself, no?

Anyway, hold tight a bit longer, your Vtiger data will be waiting for you in your inbox in no time.

As always, boruapps.com is the place to get in touch with us if you need anything in the meantime.

13 October 2011

Where's my Gmail Contextual Gadget?

Several months ago we posted a screenshot of a neat little gmail gadget that pulls Vtiger customer info directly into your Inbox.

If the sender of a message is already in your database, you can immediately see his contact info, existing invoices, events, emails linked in vtiger, etc.

Or you can create a new record right from Gmail.

We've been using it since then, and it's invaluable. Why can't you get it?

We need to make the gadget use Single-sign-on, meaning that if you're logged into Google, Vtiger knows you're authorized. It's a little ridiculous for anything that's not in the cloud (and vtiger is not), but Google said so, so we're doing it.

Some glitch at Google has been rejecting my updates for weeks. If I can't submit updates, I can test them either and so here we are. I'm trying to resolve this with what time I have, so you can get access to this very cool gadget. We'll see...

Long overdue post: Google Calendar Sync is a module

Somehow let this slip by our blog. As of a few months ago the Google Calendar Sync is out of beta and released as a module.

Many people have already downloaded and installed the Calendar Sync and Contact Sync from our website.

04 May 2011

Google Contact Sync is a Module

Our newest release of vTiger Contact Sync for Google is a true module. No more installer script, no more modifying the existing code. Just open our zip file from vtiger and away you go.

Contact us now to get it immediately or wait a few days and purchase for direct download when we launch our shopping cart.

24 March 2011

Gmail Contextual Gadget for vTiger

Boru is hard at work on a Gmail Contextual Gadget that allows read/write access to vTiger. The gadget is still in the internal testing stages, but has already proven useful at managing our Contact information.

The gadget compares the sender's email address to your vTiger database. If there is a match, the Contact's (or Account, or Lead, or Vendor, or User) details are displayed.

If no match is found, the record creation form is waiting with the email address already filled in.

Search as you type in the Account field makes linking to an Account simple. The screenshot below is not a bug, we need to clean up some duplicates :).

Future features will allow you to create and view the following:

  • Calendar events
  • vTiger emails
  • Trouble Tickets
  • FAQs

Immediate access to your CRM from email is a major time saver, and we're excited to have a release ready soon.

For more info, please contact us on our website.

21 March 2011

Boru Partners with Standing Cloud to provide vTiger+ Hosting

Boru is working with Standing Cloud, a cloud hosting provider to distribute vTiger+.

The partnership allows customers near instant access to the zero-config, widely popular vTiger+.

The vTiger CRM solution with well over 100 bug fixes at this point, and ever-growing list of new features, and defaults that make sense is now available on state-of-the-art cloud servers.

By working with Standing Cloud, customers can go from zero to fully installed and configured vTiger+ in about one minute.

To find out more about vTiger+, visit our website. To learn more about vTiger+ hosting with Standing Cloud, and to try a vTiger+ test drive, visit Standing Cloud's vTiger+ page.

28 February 2011

Google Contact Sync in Action

Check out this video of our Google Contact Sync in action. It demonstrates how to perform the initial sync between vTiger and Google.

vTiger Contact and Calendar Sync standalone and vTiger+

Boru is announcing the stable release of Google Contact Sync and Google Calendar Sync. Both are fully automated two-way synchronizations. You can install them individually into your existing vTiger build or use it as part of Boru's vTiger+.

More Contact Sync information is available here. The Calendar website is still being built.

12 January 2011

Google Calendar Sync nearing beta

With the Google Contact Sync beta underway since the end of last year, we've also been putting the finishing touches on our Calendar Sync. This add-on will automatically sync your vtiger and Google calendar.

In our internal testing it's working just fine. It should be out for beta soon with the stable release on the heals of the Contact Sync.

To keep updated on this software or inquire about beta testing, please contact us via our website.

vTiger-QuickBooks Videos

Check out these videos of the integration in action:

Send a Record to QuickBooks

Send Multiple Records to QuickBooks

Update Records


Anything else you want to see? Ask in the comments section.

To get the integration in your vtiger, visit our website.

vTiger-QuickBooks 1.2.3 Now Available

The latest version of vTiger-QuickBooks Integration add the following features:
  • Support for custom vTiger fields
  • Support for international number formats (i.e. 20.000,00)
Get it now from http://borugroup.com/vtiger_quickbooks