28 June 2010

vTiger+ Feature: Custom User Templates

Custom user templates are great for anybody who has to create many users. If a lot of your users have the same information like 'Reports to', 'Role', 'Address', etc, just create a template to store that information and it will be auto-filled when you create a new user.

Select 'User Templates' from the Settings menu. You can create a new template or edit an existing one.

Fill in any information that is shared by multiple users.

To use the template, select it from 'Select User Template' and the form will fill in any info stored in the template.

More vTiger+ information is available at our website or you can contact us directly using our web form.

21 June 2010

vTiger+ Feature: Contact Details in Event Details

We've spent a lot of time making the calendar more useful in vTiger+. First, we added a mouseover to calendar events that will show information about the associated Contact or Account.

The feature I'm describing today displays the associated Contact or Account Info in the Event Details page.

Add a Contact or Account to the event's 'Related to'

Find the event on your Calendar and click.

Contact Details appear at the top, giving you a quick glance at the info you need for your call or meeting.

The next post will explain how we've enabled users to view the events of any user or display all events at once. Users can also filter by 'Completed' or 'Pending'.

To learn more about vTiger+ visit our website, or go directly to our web form to get in touch with our team today.

09 June 2010

Google Contacts Sync

We've been working on a variety of Google Apps/vTiger Integrations for a while now. The first product we will release is a Contacts sync. We're working through some of the remaining issues at this point, but here's a preview of what is currently working.

The beauty of a Contact Sync with Google is that Contacts in Google can easily be linked to smart phones like the Blackberry and iPhone.

Our program is a fully automated 2-way sync between Google Contacts and vTiger Contacts. Sync settings are set on the user level, and the synchronization routine runs nightly. Let's take a look.

vTiger->Google Settings. Select a filter to determine which contacts are sent to Google. Choose a Group to receive Contacts.

The user can limit the Contacts that are sent to their Contact list by selecting an available Contact Search Filter. By default, this will only sync Contacts that are assigned to the current user. The user can also select which Google Contact Group will receive incoming Contacts.

Google -> vTiger Settings allow you to choose which Google Groups will send Contacts to vTiger. You don't have to share your Family Contacts with your colleagues :)

The Google to vTiger Settings allow you to select which Google Contact Groups will send Contacts to vTiger. This allows you to keep a list of Contacts in Google that you don't share with other vTiger Users.

Once these settings are configured, your Google Contacts will start syncing each night. Additions, modifications, and deletions made in Google or vTiger will be reflected in the other Contact list by the next day.

If you can't wait, you can run the sync immediately with the click of a button.

See more Boru customizations at our vtiger website.